Universal wireless communication library for Arduino
APRSClient Member List

This is the complete list of members for APRSClient, including all inherited members.

APRSClient(AX25Client *ax)APRSClientexplicit
APRSClient(PhysicalLayer *phy)APRSClientexplicit
begin(char sym, char *callsign=NULL, uint8_t ssid=0, bool alt=false)APRSClient
sendFrame(char *destCallsign, uint8_t destSSID, char *info)APRSClient
sendMicE(float lat, float lon, uint16_t heading, uint16_t speed, uint8_t type, uint8_t *telem=NULL, size_t telemLen=0, char *grid=NULL, char *status=NULL, int32_t alt=RADIOLIB_APRS_MIC_E_ALTITUDE_UNUSED)APRSClient
sendPosition(char *destCallsign, uint8_t destSSID, char *lat, char *lon, char *msg=NULL, char *time=NULL)APRSClient