Universal wireless communication library for Arduino
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LoRaWANNode Class Reference

LoRaWAN-compatible node (class A device). More...

#include <LoRaWAN.h>

Public Types

typedef void(* SleepCb_t) (RadioLibTime_t ms)
 Callback to a user-provided sleep function.

Public Member Functions

 LoRaWANNode (PhysicalLayer *phy, const LoRaWANBand_t *band, uint8_t subBand=0)
 Default constructor.
uint8_t * getBufferNonces ()
 Returns the pointer to the internal buffer that holds the LW base parameters.
int16_t setBufferNonces (const uint8_t *persistentBuffer)
 Fill the internal buffer that holds the LW base parameters with a supplied buffer.
void clearSession ()
 Clear an active session, so that the device will have to rejoin the network.
uint8_t * getBufferSession ()
 Returns the pointer to the internal buffer that holds the LW session parameters.
int16_t setBufferSession (const uint8_t *persistentBuffer)
 Fill the internal buffer that holds the LW session parameters with a supplied buffer.
int16_t beginOTAA (uint64_t joinEUI, uint64_t devEUI, const uint8_t *nwkKey, const uint8_t *appKey)
 Set the device credentials and activation configuration.
int16_t beginABP (uint32_t addr, const uint8_t *fNwkSIntKey, const uint8_t *sNwkSIntKey, const uint8_t *nwkSEncKey, const uint8_t *appSKey)
 Set the device credentials and activation configuration.
virtual int16_t activateOTAA (uint8_t initialDr=RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_DATA_RATE_UNUSED, LoRaWANJoinEvent_t *joinEvent=NULL)
 Join network by restoring OTAA session or performing over-the-air activation. By this procedure, the device will perform an exchange with the network server and set all necessary configuration.
virtual int16_t activateABP (uint8_t initialDr=RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_DATA_RATE_UNUSED)
 Join network by restoring ABP session or performing over-the-air activation. In this procedure, all necessary configuration must be provided by the user.
bool isActivated ()
 Whether there is an ongoing session active.
virtual int16_t sendReceive (const char *strUp, uint8_t fPort, bool isConfirmed=false, LoRaWANEvent_t *eventUp=NULL, LoRaWANEvent_t *eventDown=NULL)
 Send a message to the server and wait for a downlink during Rx1 and/or Rx2 window.
virtual int16_t sendReceive (const char *strUp, uint8_t fPort, uint8_t *dataDown, size_t *lenDown, bool isConfirmed=false, LoRaWANEvent_t *eventUp=NULL, LoRaWANEvent_t *eventDown=NULL)
 Send a message to the server and wait for a downlink during Rx1 and/or Rx2 window.
virtual int16_t sendReceive (const uint8_t *dataUp, size_t lenUp, uint8_t fPort=1, bool isConfirmed=false, LoRaWANEvent_t *eventUp=NULL, LoRaWANEvent_t *eventDown=NULL)
 Send a message to the server and wait for a downlink but don't bother the user with downlink contents.
virtual int16_t sendReceive (const uint8_t *dataUp, size_t lenUp, uint8_t fPort, uint8_t *dataDown, size_t *lenDown, bool isConfirmed=false, LoRaWANEvent_t *eventUp=NULL, LoRaWANEvent_t *eventDown=NULL)
 Send a message to the server and wait for a downlink during Rx1 and/or Rx2 window.
int16_t sendMacCommandReq (uint8_t cid)
 Add a MAC command to the uplink queue. Only LinkCheck and DeviceTime are available to the user. Other commands are ignored; duplicate MAC commands are discarded.
int16_t getMacLinkCheckAns (uint8_t *margin, uint8_t *gwCnt)
 Returns the quality of connectivity after requesting a LinkCheck MAC command. Returns 'true' if a network response was successfully parsed. Returns 'false' if there was no network response / parsing failed.
int16_t getMacDeviceTimeAns (uint32_t *gpsEpoch, uint8_t *fraction, bool returnUnix=true)
 Returns the network time after requesting a DeviceTime MAC command. Returns 'true' if a network response was successfully parsed. Returns 'false' if there was no network response / parsing failed.
int16_t setDatarate (uint8_t drUp)
 Set uplink datarate. This should not be used when ADR is enabled.
int16_t setTxPower (int8_t txPower)
 Configure TX power of the radio module.
int16_t setRx2Dr (uint8_t dr)
 Configure the Rx2 datarate for ABP mode. This should not be needed for LoRaWAN 1.1 as it is configured through the first downlink.
void setADR (bool enable=true)
 Toggle ADR to on or off.
void setDutyCycle (bool enable=true, RadioLibTime_t msPerHour=0)
 Toggle adherence to dutyCycle limits to on or off.
void setDwellTime (bool enable, RadioLibTime_t msPerUplink=0)
 Set or disable uplink dwell time limitation; enabled by default if mandatory.
void setCSMA (bool csmaEnabled, uint8_t maxChanges=4, uint8_t backoffMax=0, uint8_t difsSlots=2)
 Configures CSMA for LoRaWAN as per TR013, LoRa Alliance.
void setDeviceStatus (uint8_t battLevel)
 Set device status.
void scheduleTransmission (RadioLibTime_t tUplink)
 Set the exact time a transmission should occur. Note: this is the internal clock time. On Arduino platforms, this is the usual time supplied by millis(). If the supplied time is larger than the current time, sendReceive() or uplink() will delay until the scheduled time.
uint32_t getFCntUp ()
 Returns the last uplink's frame counter; also 0 if no uplink occured yet.
uint32_t getNFCntDown ()
 Returns the last network downlink's frame counter; also 0 if no network downlink occured yet.
uint32_t getAFCntDown ()
 Returns the last application downlink's frame counter; also 0 if no application downlink occured yet.
void resetFCntDown ()
 Reset the downlink frame counters (application and network) This is unsafe and can possibly allow replay attacks using downlinks. It mainly exists as part of the TS009 Specification Verification protocol.
uint32_t getDevAddr ()
 Returns the DevAddr of the device, regardless of OTAA or ABP mode.
RadioLibTime_t getLastToA ()
 Get the Time-on-air of the last uplink message (in milliseconds).
RadioLibTime_t dutyCycleInterval (RadioLibTime_t msPerHour, RadioLibTime_t airtime)
 Calculate the minimum interval to adhere to a certain dutyCycle. This interval is based on the ToA of one uplink and does not actually keep track of total airtime.
RadioLibTime_t timeUntilUplink ()
 Returns time in milliseconds until next uplink is available under dutyCycle limits.
uint8_t getMaxPayloadLen ()
 Returns the maximum allowed uplink payload size given the current MAC state. Most importantly, this includes dwell time limitations and ADR.
void setSleepFunction (SleepCb_t cb)
 Set custom delay/sleep function callback. If set, LoRaWAN node will call this function to wait for periods of time longer than RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_DELAY_SLEEP_THRESHOLD. This can be used to lower the power consumption by putting the host microcontroller to sleep. NOTE: Since this method will call a user-provided function, it is up to the user to ensure that the time duration spent in that sleep function is accurate to at least 1 ms!

Public Attributes

bool TS009 = false
 TS009 Protocol Specification Verification switch (allows FPort 224 and cuts off uplink payload instead of rejecting if maximum length exceeded).
RadioLibTime_t scanGuard = 5
 Rx window padding in milliseconds according to the spec, the Rx window must be at least enough time to effectively detect a preamble but we pad it a bit on both sides (start and end) to make sure it is wide enough The larger this number the more power will be consumed! So be careful about changing it. For debugging purposes 50 is a reasonable start, but for production devices it should be as low as possible. 0 is a valid time.

Detailed Description

LoRaWAN-compatible node (class A device).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LoRaWANNode()

LoRaWANNode::LoRaWANNode ( PhysicalLayer phy,
const LoRaWANBand_t band,
uint8_t  subBand = 0 

Default constructor.

phyPointer to the PhysicalLayer radio module.
bandPointer to the LoRaWAN band to use.
subBandThe sub-band to be used (starting from 1!)

Member Function Documentation

◆ activateABP()

int16_t LoRaWANNode::activateABP ( uint8_t  initialDr = RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_DATA_RATE_UNUSED)

Join network by restoring ABP session or performing over-the-air activation. In this procedure, all necessary configuration must be provided by the user.

initialDrThe datarate at which to send the first uplink and any subsequent uplinks (unless ADR is enabled).
Status Codes

◆ activateOTAA()

int16_t LoRaWANNode::activateOTAA ( uint8_t  initialDr = RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_DATA_RATE_UNUSED,
LoRaWANJoinEvent_t joinEvent = NULL 

Join network by restoring OTAA session or performing over-the-air activation. By this procedure, the device will perform an exchange with the network server and set all necessary configuration.

joinDrThe datarate at which to send the join-request and any subsequent uplinks (unless ADR is enabled)
Status Codes

◆ beginABP()

int16_t LoRaWANNode::beginABP ( uint32_t  addr,
const uint8_t *  fNwkSIntKey,
const uint8_t *  sNwkSIntKey,
const uint8_t *  nwkSEncKey,
const uint8_t *  appSKey 

Set the device credentials and activation configuration.

addrDevice address.
fNwkSIntKeyPointer to the Forwarding network session (LoRaWAN 1.1), NULL for LoRaWAN 1.0.
sNwkSIntKeyPointer to the Serving network session (LoRaWAN 1.1), NULL for LoRaWAN 1.0.
nwkSEncKeyPointer to the MAC command network session key [NwkSEncKey] (LoRaWAN 1.1) or network session AES-128 key [NwkSKey] (LoRaWAN 1.0).
appSKeyPointer to the application session AES-128 key.
Status Codes

◆ beginOTAA()

int16_t LoRaWANNode::beginOTAA ( uint64_t  joinEUI,
uint64_t  devEUI,
const uint8_t *  nwkKey,
const uint8_t *  appKey 

Set the device credentials and activation configuration.

joinEUI8-byte application identifier.
devEUI8-byte device identifier.
nwkKeyPointer to the network AES-128 key.
appKeyPointer to the application AES-128 key.
Status Codes

◆ dutyCycleInterval()

RadioLibTime_t LoRaWANNode::dutyCycleInterval ( RadioLibTime_t  msPerHour,
RadioLibTime_t  airtime 

Calculate the minimum interval to adhere to a certain dutyCycle. This interval is based on the ToA of one uplink and does not actually keep track of total airtime.

msPerHourThe maximum allowed duty cycle (in milliseconds per hour).
airtimeThe airtime of the uplink.
Required interval (delay) in milliseconds between consecutive uplinks.

◆ getBufferNonces()

uint8_t * LoRaWANNode::getBufferNonces ( )

Returns the pointer to the internal buffer that holds the LW base parameters.

Pointer to uint8_t array of size RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_NONCES_BUF_SIZE

◆ getBufferSession()

uint8_t * LoRaWANNode::getBufferSession ( )

Returns the pointer to the internal buffer that holds the LW session parameters.

Pointer to uint8_t array of size RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_SESSION_BUF_SIZE

◆ getDevAddr()

uint32_t LoRaWANNode::getDevAddr ( )

Returns the DevAddr of the device, regardless of OTAA or ABP mode.

4-byte DevAddr

◆ getLastToA()

RadioLibTime_t LoRaWANNode::getLastToA ( )

Get the Time-on-air of the last uplink message (in milliseconds).

(RadioLibTime_t) time-on-air (ToA) of last uplink message (in milliseconds).

◆ getMacDeviceTimeAns()

int16_t LoRaWANNode::getMacDeviceTimeAns ( uint32_t *  gpsEpoch,
uint8_t *  fraction,
bool  returnUnix = true 

Returns the network time after requesting a DeviceTime MAC command. Returns 'true' if a network response was successfully parsed. Returns 'false' if there was no network response / parsing failed.

gpsEpochNumber of seconds since GPS epoch (Jan. 6th 1980)
fractionFractional-second, in 1/256-second steps
returnUnixIf true, returns Unix timestamp instead of GPS (default true)
Status Codes

◆ getMacLinkCheckAns()

int16_t LoRaWANNode::getMacLinkCheckAns ( uint8_t *  margin,
uint8_t *  gwCnt 

Returns the quality of connectivity after requesting a LinkCheck MAC command. Returns 'true' if a network response was successfully parsed. Returns 'false' if there was no network response / parsing failed.

marginLink margin in dB of LinkCheckReq demodulation at gateway side.
gwCntNumber of gateways that received the LinkCheckReq.
Status Codes

◆ scheduleTransmission()

void LoRaWANNode::scheduleTransmission ( RadioLibTime_t  tUplink)

Set the exact time a transmission should occur. Note: this is the internal clock time. On Arduino platforms, this is the usual time supplied by millis(). If the supplied time is larger than the current time, sendReceive() or uplink() will delay until the scheduled time.

tUplinkTransmission time in milliseconds, based on internal clock.

◆ sendMacCommandReq()

int16_t LoRaWANNode::sendMacCommandReq ( uint8_t  cid)

Add a MAC command to the uplink queue. Only LinkCheck and DeviceTime are available to the user. Other commands are ignored; duplicate MAC commands are discarded.

cidID of the MAC command
Status Codes

◆ sendReceive() [1/4]

int16_t LoRaWANNode::sendReceive ( const char *  strUp,
uint8_t  fPort,
bool  isConfirmed = false,
LoRaWANEvent_t eventUp = NULL,
LoRaWANEvent_t eventDown = NULL 

Send a message to the server and wait for a downlink during Rx1 and/or Rx2 window.

strUpC-string that will be transmitted.
fPortPort number to send the message to.
isConfirmedWhether to send a confirmed uplink or not.
eventUpPointer to a structure to store extra information about the uplink event (fPort, frame counter, etc.). If set to NULL, no extra information will be passed to the user.
eventDownPointer to a structure to store extra information about the downlink event (fPort, frame counter, etc.). If set to NULL, no extra information will be passed to the user.
Window number > 0 if downlink was received, 0 is no downlink was received, otherwise Status Codes

◆ sendReceive() [2/4]

int16_t LoRaWANNode::sendReceive ( const char *  strUp,
uint8_t  fPort,
uint8_t *  dataDown,
size_t *  lenDown,
bool  isConfirmed = false,
LoRaWANEvent_t eventUp = NULL,
LoRaWANEvent_t eventDown = NULL 

Send a message to the server and wait for a downlink during Rx1 and/or Rx2 window.

strUpC-string that will be transmitted.
fPortPort number to send the message to.
dataDownBuffer to save received data into.
lenDownPointer to variable that will be used to save the number of received bytes.
isConfirmedWhether to send a confirmed uplink or not.
eventUpPointer to a structure to store extra information about the uplink event (fPort, frame counter, etc.). If set to NULL, no extra information will be passed to the user.
eventDownPointer to a structure to store extra information about the downlink event (fPort, frame counter, etc.). If set to NULL, no extra information will be passed to the user.
Window number > 0 if downlink was received, 0 is no downlink was received, otherwise Status Codes

◆ sendReceive() [3/4]

int16_t LoRaWANNode::sendReceive ( const uint8_t *  dataUp,
size_t  lenUp,
uint8_t  fPort,
uint8_t *  dataDown,
size_t *  lenDown,
bool  isConfirmed = false,
LoRaWANEvent_t eventUp = NULL,
LoRaWANEvent_t eventDown = NULL 

Send a message to the server and wait for a downlink during Rx1 and/or Rx2 window.

dataUpData to send.
lenUpLength of the data.
fPortPort number to send the message to.
dataDownBuffer to save received data into.
lenDownPointer to variable that will be used to save the number of received bytes.
isConfirmedWhether to send a confirmed uplink or not.
eventUpPointer to a structure to store extra information about the uplink event (fPort, frame counter, etc.). If set to NULL, no extra information will be passed to the user.
eventDownPointer to a structure to store extra information about the downlink event (fPort, frame counter, etc.). If set to NULL, no extra information will be passed to the user.
Window number > 0 if downlink was received, 0 is no downlink was received, otherwise Status Codes

◆ sendReceive() [4/4]

int16_t LoRaWANNode::sendReceive ( const uint8_t *  dataUp,
size_t  lenUp,
uint8_t  fPort = 1,
bool  isConfirmed = false,
LoRaWANEvent_t eventUp = NULL,
LoRaWANEvent_t eventDown = NULL 

Send a message to the server and wait for a downlink but don't bother the user with downlink contents.

dataUpData to send.
lenUpLength of the data.
fPortPort number to send the message to.
isConfirmedWhether to send a confirmed uplink or not.
eventUpPointer to a structure to store extra information about the uplink event (fPort, frame counter, etc.). If set to NULL, no extra information will be passed to the user.
eventDownPointer to a structure to store extra information about the downlink event (fPort, frame counter, etc.). If set to NULL, no extra information will be passed to the user.
Window number > 0 if downlink was received, 0 is no downlink was received, otherwise Status Codes

◆ setADR()

void LoRaWANNode::setADR ( bool  enable = true)

Toggle ADR to on or off.

enableWhether to disable ADR or not.

◆ setBufferNonces()

int16_t LoRaWANNode::setBufferNonces ( const uint8_t *  persistentBuffer)

Fill the internal buffer that holds the LW base parameters with a supplied buffer.

persistentBufferBuffer that should match the internal format (previously extracted using getBufferNonces)
Status Codes

◆ setBufferSession()

int16_t LoRaWANNode::setBufferSession ( const uint8_t *  persistentBuffer)

Fill the internal buffer that holds the LW session parameters with a supplied buffer.

persistentBufferBuffer that should match the internal format (previously extracted using getBufferSession)
Status Codes

◆ setCSMA()

void LoRaWANNode::setCSMA ( bool  csmaEnabled,
uint8_t  maxChanges = 4,
uint8_t  backoffMax = 0,
uint8_t  difsSlots = 2 

Configures CSMA for LoRaWAN as per TR013, LoRa Alliance.

csmaEnabledEnable/disable CSMA for LoRaWAN.
maxChangesMaximum number of channel hops if channel is used (default 4).
backoffMaxNum of BO slots to be decremented after DIFS phase. 0 to disable BO (default).
difsSlotsNum of CADs to estimate a clear CH (default 2).

◆ setDatarate()

int16_t LoRaWANNode::setDatarate ( uint8_t  drUp)

Set uplink datarate. This should not be used when ADR is enabled.

drUpDatarate to use for uplinks.
Status Codes

◆ setDeviceStatus()

void LoRaWANNode::setDeviceStatus ( uint8_t  battLevel)

Set device status.

battLevelBattery level to set. 0 for external power source, 1 for lowest battery, 254 for highest battery, 255 for unable to measure.

◆ setDutyCycle()

void LoRaWANNode::setDutyCycle ( bool  enable = true,
RadioLibTime_t  msPerHour = 0 

Toggle adherence to dutyCycle limits to on or off.

enableWhether to adhere to dutyCycle limits or not (default true).
msPerHourThe maximum allowed Time-on-Air per hour in milliseconds (default 0 = maximum allowed for configured band).

◆ setDwellTime()

void LoRaWANNode::setDwellTime ( bool  enable,
RadioLibTime_t  msPerUplink = 0 

Set or disable uplink dwell time limitation; enabled by default if mandatory.

enableWhether to adhere to dwellTime limits or not (default true).
msPerUplinkThe maximum allowed Time-on-Air per uplink in milliseconds (default 0 = band default value); make sure you follow regulations/law!

◆ setRx2Dr()

int16_t LoRaWANNode::setRx2Dr ( uint8_t  dr)

Configure the Rx2 datarate for ABP mode. This should not be needed for LoRaWAN 1.1 as it is configured through the first downlink.

drThe datarate to be used for listening for downlinks in Rx2.
Status Codes

◆ setTxPower()

int16_t LoRaWANNode::setTxPower ( int8_t  txPower)

Configure TX power of the radio module.

txPowerOutput power during TX mode to be set in dBm.
Status Codes

Member Data Documentation

◆ scanGuard

RadioLibTime_t LoRaWANNode::scanGuard = 5

Rx window padding in milliseconds according to the spec, the Rx window must be at least enough time to effectively detect a preamble but we pad it a bit on both sides (start and end) to make sure it is wide enough The larger this number the more power will be consumed! So be careful about changing it. For debugging purposes 50 is a reasonable start, but for production devices it should be as low as possible. 0 is a valid time.

500 is the maximum value, but it is not a good idea to go anywhere near that. If you have to go above 50 you probably have a bug somewhere. Check your device timing.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: