| LR1120 (Module *mod) |
| Default constructor.
int16_t | begin (float freq=434.0, float bw=125.0, uint8_t sf=9, uint8_t cr=7, uint8_t syncWord=RADIOLIB_LR11X0_LORA_SYNC_WORD_PRIVATE, int8_t power=10, uint16_t preambleLength=8, float tcxoVoltage=1.6) |
| Initialization method for LoRa modem.
int16_t | beginGFSK (float freq=434.0, float br=4.8, float freqDev=5.0, float rxBw=156.2, int8_t power=10, uint16_t preambleLength=16, float tcxoVoltage=1.6) |
| Initialization method for FSK modem.
int16_t | beginLRFHSS (float freq=434.0, uint8_t bw=RADIOLIB_LR11X0_LR_FHSS_BW_722_66, uint8_t cr=RADIOLIB_LR11X0_LR_FHSS_CR_2_3, bool narrowGrid=true, int8_t power=10, float tcxoVoltage=1.6) |
| Initialization method for LR-FHSS modem.
int16_t | setFrequency (float freq) override |
| Sets carrier frequency. Allowed values are in range from 150.0 to 960.0 MHz, 1900 - 2200 MHz and 2400 - 2500 MHz. Will automatically perform image calibration if the frequency changes by more than RADIOLIB_LR11X0_CAL_IMG_FREQ_TRIG MHz. NOTE: When switching between sub-GHz and high-frequency bands, after changing the frequency, setOutputPower() must be called in order to set the correct power amplifier!
int16_t | setFrequency (float freq, bool skipCalibration, float band=4) |
| Sets carrier frequency. Allowed values are in range from 150.0 to 960.0 MHz, 1900 - 2200 MHz and 2400 - 2500 MHz. Will automatically perform image calibration if the frequency changes by more than RADIOLIB_LR11X0_CAL_IMG_FREQ_TRIG MHz. NOTE: When switching between sub-GHz and high-frequency bands, after changing the frequency, setOutputPower() must be called in order to set the correct power amplifier!
int16_t | setOutputPower (int8_t power) override |
| Sets output power. Allowed values are in range from -9 to 22 dBm (high-power PA) or -17 to 14 dBm (low-power PA).
int16_t | setOutputPower (int8_t power, bool forceHighPower) |
| Sets output power. Allowed values are in range from -9 to 22 dBm (high-power PA), -17 to 14 dBm (low-power PA) or -18 to 13 dBm (high-frequency PA).
int16_t | checkOutputPower (int8_t power, int8_t *clipped) override |
| Check if output power is configurable. This method is needed for compatibility with PhysicalLayer::checkOutputPower.
int16_t | checkOutputPower (int8_t power, int8_t *clipped, bool forceHighPower) |
| Check if output power is configurable.
int16_t | setModem (ModemType_t modem) override |
| Set modem for the radio to use. Will perform full reset and reconfigure the radio using its default parameters.
| LR11x0 (Module *mod) |
| Default constructor.
int16_t | begin (float bw, uint8_t sf, uint8_t cr, uint8_t syncWord, uint16_t preambleLength, float tcxoVoltage, bool high=false) |
| Initialization method for LoRa modem.
int16_t | beginGFSK (float br, float freqDev, float rxBw, uint16_t preambleLength, float tcxoVoltage) |
| Initialization method for FSK modem.
int16_t | beginLRFHSS (uint8_t bw, uint8_t cr, bool narrowGrid, float tcxoVoltage) |
| Initialization method for LR-FHSS modem.
int16_t | beginGNSS (uint8_t constellations=RADIOLIB_LR11X0_GNSS_CONSTELLATION_GPS|RADIOLIB_LR11X0_GNSS_CONSTELLATION_BEIDOU, float tcxoVoltage=1.6) |
| Initialization method for GNSS scanning.
int16_t | reset () |
| Reset method. Will reset the chip to the default state using RST pin.
int16_t | transmit (const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t addr=0) override |
| Blocking binary transmit method. Overloads for string-based transmissions are implemented in PhysicalLayer.
int16_t | receive (uint8_t *data, size_t len) override |
| Blocking binary receive method. Overloads for string-based transmissions are implemented in PhysicalLayer.
int16_t | transmitDirect (uint32_t frf=0) override |
| Starts direct mode transmission.
int16_t | receiveDirect () override |
| Starts direct mode reception. Only implemented for PhysicalLayer compatibility, as SX126x series does not support direct mode reception. Will always return RADIOLIB_ERR_UNKNOWN.
int16_t | scanChannel () override |
| Performs scan for LoRa transmission in the current channel. Detects both preamble and payload.
int16_t | scanChannel (const ChannelScanConfig_t &config) override |
| Performs scan for LoRa transmission in the current channel. Detects both preamble and payload.
int16_t | standby () override |
| Sets the module to standby mode (overload for PhysicalLayer compatibility, uses 13 MHz RC oscillator).
int16_t | standby (uint8_t mode, bool wakeup=true) |
| Sets the module to standby mode.
int16_t | sleep () override |
| Sets the module to sleep mode. To wake the device up, call standby(). Overload with warm start enabled for PhysicalLayer compatibility.
int16_t | sleep (bool retainConfig, uint32_t sleepTime) |
| Sets the module to sleep mode. To wake the device up, call standby().
void | setIrqAction (void(*func)(void)) |
| Sets interrupt service routine to call when IRQ1 activates.
void | clearIrqAction () |
| Clears interrupt service routine to call when IRQ1 activates.
void | setPacketReceivedAction (void(*func)(void)) override |
| Sets interrupt service routine to call when a packet is received.
void | clearPacketReceivedAction () override |
| Clears interrupt service routine to call when a packet is received.
void | setPacketSentAction (void(*func)(void)) override |
| Sets interrupt service routine to call when a packet is sent.
void | clearPacketSentAction () override |
| Clears interrupt service routine to call when a packet is sent.
int16_t | finishTransmit () override |
| Clean up after transmission is done.
int16_t | startReceive () override |
| Interrupt-driven receive method with default parameters. Implemented for compatibility with PhysicalLayer.
uint32_t | getIrqStatus () |
| Reads the current IRQ status.
int16_t | readData (uint8_t *data, size_t len) override |
| Reads data received after calling startReceive method. When the packet length is not known in advance, getPacketLength method must be called BEFORE calling readData!
int16_t | startChannelScan () override |
| Interrupt-driven channel activity detection method. IRQ1 will be activated when LoRa preamble is detected, or upon timeout. Defaults to CAD parameter values recommended by AN1200.48.
int16_t | startChannelScan (const ChannelScanConfig_t &config) override |
| Interrupt-driven channel activity detection method. IRQ pin will be activated when LoRa preamble is detected, or upon timeout.
int16_t | getChannelScanResult () override |
| Read the channel scan result.
int16_t | setBandwidth (float bw, bool high=false) |
| Sets LoRa bandwidth. Allowed values are 62.5, 125.0, 250.0 and 500.0 kHz. (default, high = false)
int16_t | setSpreadingFactor (uint8_t sf, bool legacy=false) |
| Sets LoRa spreading factor. Allowed values range from 5 to 12.
int16_t | setCodingRate (uint8_t cr, bool longInterleave=false) |
| Sets LoRa coding rate denominator. Allowed values range from 5 to 8.
int16_t | setSyncWord (uint8_t syncWord) |
| Sets LoRa sync word.
int16_t | setBitRate (float br) override |
| Sets GFSK bit rate. Allowed values range from 0.6 to 300.0 kbps.
int16_t | setFrequencyDeviation (float freqDev) override |
| Sets GFSK frequency deviation. Allowed values range from 0.0 to 200.0 kHz.
int16_t | setRxBandwidth (float rxBw) |
| Sets GFSK receiver bandwidth. Allowed values are 4.8, 5.8, 7.3, 9.7, 11.7, 14.6, 19.5, 23.4, 29.3, 39.0, 46.9, 58.6, 78.2, 93.8, 117.3, 156.2, 187.2, 234.3, 312.0, 373.6 and 467.0 kHz.
int16_t | setSyncWord (uint8_t *syncWord, size_t len) override |
| Sets GFSK sync word in the form of array of up to 8 bytes.
int16_t | setSyncBits (uint8_t *syncWord, uint8_t bitsLen) |
| Sets GFSK sync word in the form of array of up to 8 bytes.
int16_t | setNodeAddress (uint8_t nodeAddr) |
| Sets node address. Calling this method will also enable address filtering for node address only.
int16_t | setBroadcastAddress (uint8_t broadAddr) |
| Sets broadcast address. Calling this method will also enable address filtering for node and broadcast address.
int16_t | disableAddressFiltering () |
| Disables address filtering. Calling this method will also erase previously set addresses.
int16_t | setDataShaping (uint8_t sh) override |
| Sets time-bandwidth product of Gaussian filter applied for shaping. Allowed values are RADIOLIB_SHAPING_0_3, RADIOLIB_SHAPING_0_5, RADIOLIB_SHAPING_0_7 or RADIOLIB_SHAPING_1_0. Set to RADIOLIB_SHAPING_NONE to disable data shaping.
int16_t | setEncoding (uint8_t encoding) override |
| Sets transmission encoding. Available in GFSK mode only. Serves only as alias for PhysicalLayer compatibility.
int16_t | fixedPacketLengthMode (uint8_t len=RADIOLIB_LR11X0_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH) |
| Set modem in fixed packet length mode. Available in GFSK mode only.
int16_t | variablePacketLengthMode (uint8_t maxLen=RADIOLIB_LR11X0_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH) |
| Set modem in variable packet length mode. Available in GFSK mode only.
int16_t | setWhitening (bool enabled, uint16_t initial=0x01FF) |
| Sets GFSK whitening parameters.
int16_t | setDataRate (DataRate_t dr) override |
| Set data.
int16_t | checkDataRate (DataRate_t dr) override |
| Check the data rate can be configured by this module.
int16_t | setPreambleLength (size_t preambleLength) override |
| Sets preamble length for LoRa or GFSK modem. Allowed values range from 1 to 65535.
int16_t | setTCXO (float voltage, uint32_t delay=5000) |
| Sets TCXO (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator) configuration.
int16_t | setCRC (uint8_t len, uint32_t initial=0x00001D0FUL, uint32_t polynomial=0x00001021UL, bool inverted=true) |
| Sets CRC configuration.
int16_t | invertIQ (bool enable) override |
| Enable/disable inversion of the I and Q signals.
float | getRSSI () override |
| Gets RSSI (Recorded Signal Strength Indicator) of the last received packet. Only available for LoRa or GFSK modem.
float | getSNR () override |
| Gets SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) of the last received packet. Only available for LoRa modem.
float | getFrequencyError () |
| Gets frequency error of the latest received packet.
size_t | getPacketLength (bool update=true) override |
| Query modem for the packet length of received payload.
size_t | getPacketLength (bool update, uint8_t *offset) |
| Query modem for the packet length of received payload.
RadioLibTime_t | getTimeOnAir (size_t len) override |
| Get expected time-on-air for a given size of payload.
RadioLibTime_t | calculateRxTimeout (RadioLibTime_t timeoutUs) override |
| Calculate the timeout value for this specific module / series (in number of symbols or units of time)
uint32_t | getIrqFlags () override |
| Read currently active IRQ flags.
int16_t | setIrqFlags (uint32_t irq) override |
| Set interrupt on IRQ pin to be sent on a specific IRQ bit (e.g. RxTimeout, CadDone).
int16_t | clearIrqFlags (uint32_t irq) override |
| Clear interrupt on a specific IRQ bit (e.g. RxTimeout, CadDone).
uint8_t | randomByte () override |
| Get one truly random byte from RSSI noise.
int16_t | implicitHeader (size_t len) |
| Set implicit header mode for future reception/transmission.
int16_t | explicitHeader () |
| Set explicit header mode for future reception/transmission.
float | getDataRate () const |
| Gets effective data rate for the last transmitted packet. The value is calculated only for payload bytes.
int16_t | setRegulatorLDO () |
| Set regulator mode to LDO.
int16_t | setRegulatorDCDC () |
| Set regulator mode to DC-DC.
int16_t | setRxBoostedGainMode (bool en) |
| Enables or disables Rx Boosted Gain mode (additional Rx gain for increased power consumption).
void | setRfSwitchTable (const uint32_t(&pins)[Module::RFSWITCH_MAX_PINS], const Module::RfSwitchMode_t table[]) |
| Some modules contain external RF switch controlled by pins. This function gives RadioLib control over those pins to automatically switch between various modes.
int16_t | forceLDRO (bool enable) |
| Forces LoRa low data rate optimization. Only available in LoRa mode. After calling this method, LDRO will always be set to the provided value, regardless of symbol length. To re-enable automatic LDRO configuration, call LR11x0::autoLDRO()
int16_t | autoLDRO () |
| Re-enables automatic LDRO configuration. Only available in LoRa mode. After calling this method, LDRO will be enabled automatically when symbol length exceeds 16 ms.
int16_t | setLrFhssConfig (uint8_t bw, uint8_t cr, uint8_t hdrCount=3, uint16_t hopSeed=0x13A) |
| Sets LR-FHSS configuration.
int16_t | startWifiScan (char wifiType, uint8_t mode=RADIOLIB_LR11X0_WIFI_ACQ_MODE_FULL_BEACON, uint16_t chanMask=RADIOLIB_LR11X0_WIFI_ALL_CHANNELS, uint8_t numScans=16, uint16_t timeout=100) |
| Start passive WiFi scan. BUSY pin will be de-activated when the scan is finished.
void | setWiFiScanAction (void(*func)(void)) |
| Sets interrupt service routine to call when a WiFi scan is completed.
void | clearWiFiScanAction () |
| Clears interrupt service routine to call when a WiFi scan is completed.
int16_t | getWifiScanResultsCount (uint8_t *count) |
| Get number of WiFi scan results after the scan is finished.
int16_t | getWifiScanResult (LR11x0WifiResult_t *result, uint8_t index, bool brief=false) |
| Retrieve passive WiFi scan result.
int16_t | wifiScan (uint8_t wifiType, uint8_t *count, uint8_t mode=RADIOLIB_LR11X0_WIFI_ACQ_MODE_FULL_BEACON, uint16_t chanMask=RADIOLIB_LR11X0_WIFI_ALL_CHANNELS, uint8_t numScans=16, uint16_t timeout=100) |
| Blocking WiFi scan method. Performs a full passive WiFi scan. This method may block for several seconds!
int16_t | getVersionInfo (LR11x0VersionInfo_t *info) |
| Retrieve LR11x0 hardware, device and firmware version information.
int16_t | updateFirmware (const uint32_t *image, size_t size, bool nonvolatile=true) |
| Method to upload new firmware image to the device. The device will be automatically erased, a new firmware will be uploaded, written to flash and executed.
int16_t | isGnssScanCapable () |
| Method to check whether the device is capable of performing a GNSS scan.
int16_t | gnssScan (LR11x0GnssResult_t *res=NULL) |
| Performs GNSS scan.
int16_t | getGnssAlmanacStatus (LR11x0GnssAlmanacStatus_t *stat) |
| Read information about the almanac.
int16_t | gnssDelayUntilSubframe (LR11x0GnssAlmanacStatus_t *stat, uint8_t constellation) |
| Blocking wait until the next subframe with almanac data is available. Used to control timing during almanac update from satellite.
int16_t | updateGnssAlmanac (uint8_t constellation) |
| Perform almanac update. Must be called immediately after gnssDelayUntilSubframe.
int16_t | getGnssPosition (LR11x0GnssPosition_t *pos, bool filtered=true) |
| Get GNSS position. Called after gnssScan to retrieve the position calculated by the internal solver.
int16_t | getGnssSatellites (LR11x0GnssSatellite_t *sats, uint8_t numSats) |
| Get GNSS satellites found during the last scan.
int16_t | getModem (ModemType_t *modem) override |
| Get modem currently in use by the radio.
int16_t | calibrateImageRejection (float freqMin, float freqMax) |
| Perform image rejection calibration for the specified frequency band. WARNING: Use at your own risk! Setting incorrect values may lead to decreased performance.
int16_t | stageMode (RadioModeType_t mode, RadioModeConfig_t *cfg) override |
| Stage mode of the radio to be launched later using launchMode.
int16_t | launchMode () override |
| Launch previously staged mode.
int16_t | transmit (const char *str, uint8_t addr=0) |
| C-string transmit method.
virtual int16_t | transmit (const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t addr=0) |
| Binary transmit method. Must be implemented in module class.
virtual int16_t | receive (uint8_t *data, size_t len) |
| Binary receive method. Must be implemented in module class.
int16_t | startTransmit (const char *str, uint8_t addr=0) |
| Interrupt-driven Arduino String transmit method. Unlike the standard transmit method, this one is non-blocking. Interrupt pin will be activated when transmission finishes.
virtual int16_t | startTransmit (const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t addr=0) |
| Interrupt-driven binary transmit method.
virtual int16_t | startReceive () |
| Sets module to received mode using its default configuration.
virtual int16_t | startReceive (uint32_t timeout, RadioLibIrqFlags_t irqFlags=RADIOLIB_IRQ_RX_DEFAULT_FLAGS, RadioLibIrqFlags_t irqMask=RADIOLIB_IRQ_RX_DEFAULT_MASK, size_t len=0) |
| Interrupt-driven receive method. A DIO pin will be activated when full packet is received. Must be implemented in module class.
virtual int16_t | readData (uint8_t *data, size_t len) |
| Reads data that was received after calling startReceive method.
| PhysicalLayer () |
| Default constructor.
int16_t | transmit (const char *str, uint8_t addr=0) |
| C-string transmit method.
virtual int16_t | standby (uint8_t mode) |
| Sets module to a specific standby mode.
int16_t | startTransmit (const char *str, uint8_t addr=0) |
| Interrupt-driven Arduino String transmit method. Unlike the standard transmit method, this one is non-blocking. Interrupt pin will be activated when transmission finishes.
uint32_t | getIrqMapped (RadioLibIrqFlags_t irq) |
| Convert from radio-agnostic IRQ flags to radio-specific flags.
int16_t | checkIrq (RadioLibIrqType_t irq) |
| Check whether a specific IRQ bit is set (e.g. RxTimeout, CadDone).
int16_t | setIrq (RadioLibIrqFlags_t irq) |
| Set interrupt on specific IRQ bit(s) (e.g. RxTimeout, CadDone). Keep in mind that not all radio modules support all RADIOLIB_IRQ_ flags!
int16_t | clearIrq (RadioLibIrqFlags_t irq) |
| Clear interrupt on a specific IRQ bit (e.g. RxTimeout, CadDone). Keep in mind that not all radio modules support all RADIOLIB_IRQ_ flags!
int32_t | random (int32_t max) |
| Get truly random number in range 0 - max.
int32_t | random (int32_t min, int32_t max) |
| Get truly random number in range min - max.
int16_t | startDirect () |
| Configure module parameters for direct modes. Must be called prior to "ham" modes like RTTY or AX.25. Only available in FSK mode.
int16_t | setDirectSyncWord (uint32_t syncWord, uint8_t len) |
| Set sync word to be used to determine start of packet in direct reception mode.
virtual void | setDirectAction (void(*func)(void)) |
| Set interrupt service routine function to call when data bit is received in direct mode. Must be implemented in module class.
virtual void | readBit (uint32_t pin) |
| Function to read and process data bit in direct reception mode. Must be implemented in module class.
int16_t | available () |
| Get the number of direct mode bytes currently available in buffer.
void | dropSync () |
| Forcefully drop synchronization.
uint8_t | read (bool drop=true) |
| Get data from direct mode buffer.
virtual int16_t | setDIOMapping (uint32_t pin, uint32_t value) |
| Configure DIO pin mapping to get a given signal on a DIO pin (if available).
virtual void | setChannelScanAction (void(*func)(void)) |
| Sets interrupt service routine to call when a channel scan is finished.
virtual void | clearChannelScanAction () |
| Clears interrupt service routine to call when a channel scan is finished.